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66 results found. Displaying results 41-50.
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Cat-O-Blue Guest Director: Robin Cat-O-Blue Guest Director: Robin Added on: June 2002
Cat-O-Blue 5 Cat-O-Blue 5 Added on: March 2002
The JamesWeb fourth anniversary episode... It lacks, following 'On The Farm', but it features the fi...
Cat-O-Blue On The Farm Cat-O-Blue On The Farm Added on: January 2002
Alright, this is where Cat-O-Blue started to take off! It's the first episode with a soundtrack, and...
Bobby's House: Sweets Bobby's House: Sweets Added on: January 2002
The second in the Bobby's House series, and after football/soccer, the most obvious difference in la...
Bobby's House: Football Bobby's House: Football Added on: August 2001
Now one day, Jake told me he'd had enough of my style, and demanded I tried my hand at actually maki...
John The Multi-Coloured Singing and Dancing Snowman 2000 John The Multi-Coloured Singing and Dancing Snowman 2000 Added on: December 2000
I made another one of these a year later, and here it is... Slightly better than the first, but... W...
Matt G's First Ever Creation Matt G's First Ever Creation Added on: February 2000
According to my computer it was made on the 4th February 2000, it's a lot older than I thought it wa...
John The Multi-Coloured Singing and Dancing Snowman John The Multi-Coloured Singing and Dancing Snowman Added on: December 1999
Remember this? If you do, man, you're a pretty long-time JamesWeb person... I remember my old school...
Bob and the Bus Bob and the Bus
Every now and then I get this belief I can make something actually reletively well animated. It's us...
Bob: Secret Unseen Episode Bob: Secret Unseen Episode
See, this is just my point. The first one, while not great, at least looked like it had some effort ...

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" <p style="color:orange;">Hello Carrots; It's Me, Nicholas Wilde!</p>" - rodomallard »
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