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Displaying news articles 31-34 of a total 34.
Granny's Garden 2!
29/01/2005 5:35 AM
Remember Granny's Garden? Friggin' classic... Well, if you don't already know, here's some exciting news...


Enjoy! Also, I hear your pleads for the message board, people, I hear your pleads and share your pain, but I'm creating my own one from scratch, so you know it's going to be the best ever and worth the wait!

Watch this space, and be patient, damnit!

10/01/2005 2:19 AM
Joe kissed the moon, baby.

Christmas Gone!
07/01/2005 11:52 AM
Well, there you go, the Live Online Christmas tree is back in it's box for another year, and now we can sit back and sip all our glasses of sweet, sweet 2005.

There's a new Facegary going around, in case you didn't notice... Don't be scared of it, even if you don't like it at first, watch it three times*, it's the greatest thing you've ever seen.

... Damn, I really need to put more on this site, it's empty without Christmas!

* Allowing a five minute break between each viewing

Welcome to the brand new JamesWeb!
01/12/2004 6:00 AM
It's the one we've all been waiting for, (and by we, I mean I), it's JamesWeb! And it's all shiny and new, and just in time for Christmas, too! And that rhymed! Best time ever.

The benefits of a 'groovy' new site are plentiful, and as well as a few new site features, there's a whole pile of new content that's been waiting to be released... So here's a bulleted list.As well as all that, Christmas time is here! And that brings with it, another bulleted list:All this can be 'gotten to' through JamesWeb Christmas Land, but... What's the point when I just gave you links right there?

That's all for now! Enjoy the new site, and don't be a fool this Christmas, feed the parrot.

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If I made a new poll would anyone even notice?
I would!
"I think you should shut it!" - Millenia »
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