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Elisa Lam
Posted by Keon Mabone @ 24/01/2022 12:32:25 AM
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Hello i know this is a place of fun and games and some shit like that but this got caught in my head. 21 Year old "Elisa Lam" was missing in the era of 2012-2013 this makes me fell so creepy i love old stuff like userinterfaces back then like this one but even though i love old websites and stuff, does not mean i have to get on tumblr and search up Elisa Lam and find 1 billion posts about this women. so if you are like me and want to know what the fuck happend to  Elisa Lam i know she was in a WATER TANK but that shit does not match up with it like an video posted on youtube okay but i or us want more footage of Elisa Lam like everything is not makeing since even the netflix show about cicel hotel alot of shit is going on and is not makeing since like i want more stuff nothing that we get is not adding on to this shit like come on now!!! i want more footage and watching this netflix show is like okay so what the fuck is going on the shit they told me/us is not fucking adding on like bro and like i said i know this jamesweb place is alot of fun but look i just wanted to get more info and that this website has been around for a long time so mostly all the people on here has been on here for like 10-15 years and (P.S this userinterface has not been updated) but i know a long shit to write i want to know WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND TO HER!! (End of paragraph)

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